Kuroko no Basuke Season 1 Reviews

Hello folks! Anyway this review is not spoiler free.

► Things I liked ◄

1. Kagami's Character Development. I noticed that there is a certain pattern to how anime characters are. Firstly, we have the overly immature and thickheaded one, most likely found saying things like "I can do everything by myself" or "I don't need your help", and I expected Kagami to be one of those people. Although he was that way in the beginning, the whole stubborn act quickly went away before it became annoying. He still fought for himself and is still basically a hot-tempered person (hence maintaining a huge part of his personality), but he grew to care about those around him and learnt that they win as a team. This is a smooth and gradual development without him making a 180 degrees change. His goals remain the same and his burning passion for basketball never changed, but he's a lot less reckless and listens to instructions.
2. This quote by Kuroko: "I am a shadow. The stronger the light, the darker the shadow, and the more it accentuates due to the brightness of the light. I will be the shadow to your light and make you the best player in Japan." I've never come across a character who sees things from this perspective.

3. Senpai - Kouhai Relationships. Respect for your seniors is highly emphasized throughout the anime. Anyone who had been in a club with their favourite seniors before would know how heartwarming it is. In fact, during one of the games, Kuroko was playing for his seniors rather than for himself. My favourite teams are Seirin and Kaijo, and both make up of juniors and seniors who respect and support each other.

Okay, maybe these pictures don't really prove my point, but they really love each other. [stammers nervously] R-Really.

4. Riko Aida is a blessing. I don't know if this is me being sexist, but there aren't many female characters whom I like. Riko is an excellent and sharp trainer, cares about every member of her team, brings out the best in them, and never risks her members' health over winning. She has benched Kagami again and again the second she noticed that something was off, even though Kagami refused to be pulled out of the games.

Like Kagami said, she does the recruiting, she comes up with the training regime, and she plans summer camps for extra training; so if anything, she's doing too much.
5. Kuroko no Basuke did a considerably good job at focusing on all the characters, and not just those on the Seirin team. At first I felt like Kagami and Kuroko received too much of screentime, but once the competitions began, we got a rough idea of the nature of every opposing team. We know which ones are more tightly-knitted and which ones prioritise individuality over teamwork. The roles of each member were also eventually revealed, such as who does the three-pointer shoots, who has eagle eye, and who is in-charge of defense.

6. Riko x Hyuga. I swear to God if they keep teasing me with this ship I will pull my hair off.

The hints are subtle in season 1, but Riko and Hyuga will definitely turn canon in the next seasons. If they don't end up together I will burn buildings and create chaos until the mangaka notices me and changes the plot. It is so difficult for me to find a ship I genuinely like, so I'm fighting for this till the end.

As you can see, I also took the liberty of taking Hyuga x Riko pictures using my phone, because that is how desperate I have become.


6. The ending.

This is it. Who gave them the right to mess with my emotions like this. The perfect end to season 1, and this scene told us all we need to know about Kise Ryouta.

► Things I Disliked ◄

Nothing much really. However, one point worth nothing, although I had a great time watching this anime, it isn't the kind which would drive me to climb a mountain and scream "PLEASE WATCH THIS ANIME FOR YOUR OWN SAKE". Kuroko no Basuke was good, but not to the point where I would tie my friends to a chair and make them watch it.

► Things I Would Change About This Anime ◄

1. I would extend the summer camp because, well, who doesn't love summer camp episodes in sports animes?

2. The Shutoku uniform. Their jerseys are fine, but their uniforms kinda make them look like they are part of the Orange is the New Black cast.

♦  ♦  ♦  ♦  ♦

 Overall rating: 6.8/10

And that is all for this time! I appreciate comments and feedbacks so do leave some! Tetsuya Number 2 wishes you a good day and I will be starting season 2 real soon.

Tetsuya #2 Kagami Taiga Kuroko no Basuke 

 (FYI Tetsuya #2 is my favourite addition to the Seirin family sorry fellas)


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