Noragami Aragoto Reviews

Welcome back, mina-san! How did your Christmas go? To those who aren't familiar with this anime, let me clarify that Noragami Aragato is the sequel to Noragami, with Noragami being season one and Noragami Aragato being season two. For the sake of those who knows nothing about Noragami, here is a short passage on the general concept of the story, but not the plot. This anime centers around Yato, a minor infamous God without a shrine who is poor and has a dark past. In Noragami, most Gods own at least one Regalia (Shinki), a spirit that was named by the God and now belongs to that God. Regalias, when not in battle mood, take on the appearance of humans but transform into different objects when called by their masters. Some transform into weapons like swords and guns, others into every day objects like a paper fan or even a piece of lingerie. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Before anything else, I would like to first state that this season was at least three times better tha...